The problem of Pleasure and Pain

I will let this post get a little personal. In about two months, I will start my fourth and final year of veterinary school. In about two and a half months, I will get married. To prepare, my fianceé and I have been meeting with a married couple to receive pre-marriage counseling. The reason for…


I think community is a big deal. Recently, we had a mentor day at our school where the state veterinary medical association brought 80 veterinarians to meet with us as a reminder that the community is one of the greatest parts of the profession and a strong force against any struggles that come. We have…

Stranger Things

The mental health problem in veterinary medicine is multi-layered. There are aspects at the individual level that must be handled. Individuals have the responsibility to do things to take care of themselves to prevent and treat the symptoms of mental health issues. Institutions have the responsibility to try to reduce the causes of a lot…

The Results are In: Strengths Survey

This is a good time of the year. The semester has ended, and we are taking a quick break before we start our next classes. The seasons have just changed over, and with that, many more changes. Perhaps some of us are gearing up for the New Year and the change that it represents. It…

Free ways to improve your mental health

Last year, at the third annual Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges’ Health and Wellness Summit, Jennifer Brandt, director of individual and organizational development at the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, said, Eating properly, getting adequate sleep, drinking plenty of water while limiting alcohol consumption, and getting exercise may seem unimaginative, but they’re…

A fear of failure

Fail fast. Fail often. Fail forward. That’s how you got into veterinary school, right? A series of failures? That’s probably not how you think about it. You probably had a great GPA, lots of relevant experience to put on your resume, and a fine-tuned essay. Any time you did experience failure, and you did because…

The Type A Problem

Nice to meet you. Tell me about yourself. “Well, I am inherently high stress, anxious, and competitive. In fact, competition makes me even more stressed and anxious. I have to have my way and I think I know best, even though I often feel that I am not good enough. How about you, what are…

The Results are In: Stigma Survey

You know one thing we do at this blog is ask veterinary students important questions, and then see what we can learn from that data. We have changed the format in order to make use of the scientific information that is already published and to not detract from the work of those continuing to learn…